miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

How to improve your Productive Skills: Speaking and Writing

Oxford University Press has recently published an article by Helen Stepanova about this topic under the title that follows. Read it and put her recommendations into practice.

Productive Skills: Resources for Independent Learning

25 Reasons to Read during Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring!

Here I post a very interesting list published by Edutopia and WeAreTeachers in facebook.
Edutopia also attaches a link including summer reading recommendations. Roll on summer!!!

domingo, 23 de junio de 2013

Summertime: Ireland

Summertime is just the perfect time of the year to relax and enjoy English the real way. Take your time to watch movies, read books or magazines, translate your favourite lyrics and if possible, visit an English- speaking country. Ireland is one popular destination as the emerald isle has a lot to offer!

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Learning Styles

To make the most of your study time, you must know your learning style. Read this interesting article about LEARNING STYLES and develop all your possibilities to the maximum while sitting in front of books :D

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

The British Museum

Hello! Don't you think it is a wonderful afternoon to go to the British Museum? Follow the link and enjoy the visit.....VISIT ONLINE THE BRITISH MUSEUM